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When going somewhere

Prepositions in Norwegian

can be tricky sometimes, for

instance when you want to

inform someone where you

are going. 

However, if the focus is solely

on destination or

transportation, you will

always use til, for example

when informing the taxi

driver where to take you

(e.g., 'Jeg skal til universitetet').

He will drop you off next to

the steps, and what you do

next, is of no interest to him

- maybe you enter the

building, or maybe you go

somewhere else. 

But in other situations, you

would rather say: 'Jeg skal

universitetet', and in this, there is a bit more information, because this also implies that you are actually entering the building - maybe you have a lecture, or maybe you are heading towards your office. 


Similarly, if you are telling someone: 'Jeg skal butikken', they would take for granted that you will be doing some shopping, not only going there for the exercise of it. 

However, if you want to inform someone how you are getting there, you will use til. e.g.: 'Jeg tar bussen til butikken' (you cannot take the bus inside the shop, can you...).

So how would you translate this to Norwegian: 'The bus isn't coming, so today I have to walk to the university'? Would you use til or

The correct answer is til. 'Bussen kommer ikke, så i dag må jeg gå til universitetet.'

Note that sometimes you will use i instead of , but the meaning is the same; the choice between those two are highly idiomatic. Most often you will use however, so if you remember those few where you need to say i, you can pretty much use with everything else:


Note that when talking about going to geographical places - such as cities or countries - you will always use til, e.g.:

Jeg skal dra til Italia.

Jeg skal reise til Oslo.

Preposisjoner på til.png

i banken (the bank)

i barnehagen (the kindergarten)

i kantina (the canteen)

i kirka/moskeen (the church, the mosque)

i bokhandelen (the bookstore) 


 is used with days.

 - I is used with months, holidays and to indicate a specific duration of time.

- Om is used about a specific time in the future.

- For, in combination with siden, is used about a specific time in the past.

Han kommer lørdag.

(He's coming on Saturday.)

De drar om to dager.

Jeg har eksamen om tre uker.

(They are leaving in three days.)

(I have an exam in three weeks.)

Hun dro for tre dager siden.

Vi spiste lunsj for en time siden.

(She left three days ago.)

(We had lunch one hour ago.)

Han kommer i juni.

Hun skal være her i jula.

De skal hjem i påsken.

Han skal være her i to uker.

Han var her i to uker.

(He is coming in June.)

(She will be here for Christmas.)

(They are going home for Easter.)

(He'll be staying for two weeks.)

(He was staying here for two weeks.)

Expressing your feelings

It can sometimes be hard to predict what preposition to pick in combination with adjectives or participles, and while there are some peculiarities, there are still patterns that will guide you.

  is typically used with negative feelings directed towards someone or something:


 - I is typically used with positive feelings.

 - Over is exclusively used with participles (i.e.,verbs used adjectively) to describe how a situation,

    action or person affects you.

 - Mot is used when describing an action towards someone.

 - For is used in different situations, best described by the examples below.

 - Av (similar to 'over') is used to describe what consequences things can have on you.

 - In addition, Av is used when something you have done is being evaluated. 

Jeg er sint deg.

Jeg er så irritert henne.

Hun ble rasende meg.

Er du misunnelig meg?

(I'm angry with you.)

(I'm so irritated with her.)

(She got furious with me.)

(Are you envious of me?)

Jeg er glad i deg.

Jeg er interessert i musikk.

Hun er forelsket i ham.

(I love you.)

(I'm interested in music.)

(She's in love with him.)

Jeg er lettet over at alt gikk bra.

Jeg er skuffet over deg.

Hun var overrasket over at han dro.

Han var sjokkert over alle ulykkene.

Vi er frustrert over alle disse reglene.

(I'm relieved that all went well.)

(I'm disappointed with you.)

(She was surprised that he left.)

(He was chocked by all the accidents.)

(We are frustrated with all these rules.)

Du er alltid så snill mot meg.

Hun var slem mot barna.

Han var hyggelig mot sjefen.

Hun var utro mot mannen sin.

(You are always so kind to me.)

(She was mean to the kids.)

(He was nice to the boss.)

(She was unfaithful to her husband.)

Jeg er bekymret for deg.

Hun er redd for slanger.

Han var redd for å bli smittet.

Vi er glade for å bo i Norge.

Det er vanskelig for meg å lære norsk.

Det var hyggelig for henne å få besøk.

Det er umulig for ham å oppføre seg.

Filmen var morsom for barna.

(I'm worried about you.)

(She's scared of snakes.)

(He was worried to get infected.)

(We are happy to live in Norway.)

(It's hard for me to learn Norwegian.)

(It was nice for her to have visitors.)

(It's impossible for him to behave.)

(The movie was fun for the kids.)

Jeg er lei av dette været.

Jeg blir trøtt av å spise fisk.

Jeg blir sulten av å trene.

Han ble veldig motivert av henne.

De blir sint av å lese falske nyheter.

Man kan bli syk av å spise lakris.

(I'm sick of this weather.)

(I get tired from eating fish.)

(I get hungry from training.)

(He got very motivated by her.)

(They get angry from reading fake news.)

(One can get sick from eating liquorice.)

Det var snilt (gjort) av deg å hjelpe meg.

Det var slemt (gjort) av deg å slå ham.

Det var bra av deg å dele med de andre.

(It was kind of you to help me.)

(It was unkind of you to hit him.)

(I was good of you to share with the others)

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